JAMAICA | PNP Member of Parliament Lisa Hanna to leave representational Politics

KINGSTON, August 9, 2022 - People's National Party President Mark Golding has expressed appreciation to Member of Parliament for St. Ann South Eastern, Lisa Hanna, following her letter indicating that she will not offer herself as a candidate in the next election as it is her intention to leave representational politics.
The PNP leader expressed appreciation to Ms Hanna "for her years of service to the PNP and the people of South East St Ann."
He pointed out that "After serving three and a half terms as Member of Parliament for the constituency, Cde Hanna has indicated her intention to depart representational politics and therefore will not be seeking reelection at the next general election. She has committed to serving her constituency through to the end of her term," he said.
The following is the full text of Ms Hanna's letter to Mr. Golding.
Cde. Mark Golding, MP
People's National Party
89 Old Hope Road
Kingston 6
Dear Cde. President,
I have always been a champion of change and having the courage to do what's right even when it's not expedient or self-serving, as I believe courage has an obligation to pave new roads for the generation coming behind us. As such, I have recently decided to conclude my current journey in representational politics at the end of this term.
Therefore, I will not be offering myself as the Party's candidate in the next general election when it is called, a decision I have communicated to my constituency executive. I trust this early notice will give constituency delegates adequate time to go through a selection process to select a candidate of their choice, which is their constitutional right. I remain available to serve at your consideration in the Shadow Cabinet as Spokesperson on Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade.
In 2007, Comrade Portia Simpson Miller formally invited me to join the People's National Party and be its standard bearer in South East St. Ann in the then upcoming General elections, a move that changed my life immensely as it allowed me to serve my country in another capacity.
Over the last fifteen years, I have found this experience quite satisfying; it allowed me the privilege to serve as an elected Member of Parliament, Cabinet Minister, on the national scene, and at the Party level as Regional Chairman and Treasurer. This opportunity will always be a part of me as it reshaped the foundations of my thinking and will forever guide my perspective.
The PNP has always believed in equal opportunity for all regardless of station in life. This fundamental philosophy has driven our actions to propel solutions for national prosperity through building the economic base of Jamaica from the bottom up. We have always been the Party with a heart, the people's Party that is in touch with the grassroots and committed to ensuring no Jamaican is left behind.
However, for any organization to survive and be relevant to successive global environments and markets, it must be responsive and change with the times, seeking modern approaches to getting things done. This does not mean changing our core principles, mission, or value proposition but rather, embracing modern communication, applying our principles to 21st-century challenges, empowering the next generation, and, most importantly, attracting and retaining the right talents to get the job done.
I have no doubt, Party Leader, that once the PNP can recalibrate its approaches to reignite and reinforce these core tenets within the minds and hearts of Jamaicans to inspire their imagination and aspire towards a better future, our Party will form the next government.
I extend gratitude to several of my mentors, Comrades Percival James Patterson, Portia Simpson Miller, Dr. Peter Phillips, KD Knight, John Junor, and Dr. Omar Davies. My dear husband Richard and son Alexander, for their unyielding love and support.
My sincere appreciation to my constituency executive, constituency office staff over the years, my SESA campaign teams, managers, election workers, group members, and of course, to the people of SESA who entrusted me to represent them in Parliament for four terms. I made a commitment to represent you and will continue to serve you with grace and fervor through the conclusion of my term. And finally, thank you to my parliamentary colleagues, the many friends I met along this inspirational journey, especially my dearest friend Natalie Neita-Garvey, my gratitude to you always.
It has not always been easy; the political baptisms of fire were often unrelenting and excruciating. I have many times stood alone on principle, which was perceived as unreasonable and misunderstood. But on the whole, the collective experience has bolstered my character, sharpened my fighting skills, and prepared me well for the next chapter of my life's journey.
I am, and will always remain grateful to the PNP, and wish you the very best as you lead the movement towards victory at the polls and the formation of the next government.
Comrade Lisa Hanna, MP
In the statemennt which came late Tuesday evening, "Mr. Golding also expressed appreciation to "Cde Hanna for her willingness to continue serving as the Party’s Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, and for her continued commitment to the Party and Jamaica.
“Cde Hanna’s commitment to Jamaica remains an inspiration to our youth and those looking to enter representational politics. I look forward to continue working with Cde Hanna on areas in which she is passionate and has achieved significant results,” said Golding.
"The Party will work closely with the PNP Executive of South East St Ann to arrange a suitable occasion to honour Cde Hanna and show our appreciation for the tremendous work she has done," the statement said.
"Representational politics is a labour of love and Cde Hanna has certainly given her best in service to her country. The entire Jamaica should join us in thanking her for her service and wishing her the very best as she charts her way forward," the PNP statement concluded.