JAMAICA | PNP urges end to RADA standoff in the interest of farmers

KINGSTON, Jamaica December 9, 2021 - Opposition Spokesman on Agriculture, Mr. Lothan Cousins, MP, is calling on the Prime Minister to end the stand-off between the Minister of Agriculture and the Board of Directors of the Rural Agricultural Development Authority (RADA) in the interest of farmers and agricultural production.
In a statement today, Mr. Cousins said the behaviour is unseemly and has been ongoing for more than a month. “It is unprecedented for a Minister and his board to be at odds while the work of the Authority suffers and with it, the welfare of farmers and agricultural production”, he said.
The Opposition Spokesman said the only solution was for the Prime Minister’s urgent intervention to end the standoff and resolve the issues which now surround the organization. “The fact that legally, the board may continue to meet is worrying given the uncertainty about the role of the portfolio’s policy centre, while the Authority continues on a frolic of its own” Mr. Cousins said.
He said the continuing breakdown is over the procurement of six tractors for the Authority, although the Government Procurement Guidelines are clear that Boards play no role in the procurement process.
“My information is there is a virtual war over the tractors and other implements procured, and this has commandeered the management’s time since the Board meeting of October 14, leaving the farmers’ business unattended”, Mr. Cousins said.
He said the situation at RADA was extremely urgent and advice should be sought from National Contracts Commission or the Integrity Commission on the way forward.