JAMAICA | PNP wants Holness to respond to the crisis in Ukraine

KINGSTON, Jamaica, February 24, 2022 - The Russian invasion of Ukraine has left the world in a heightened state of fear and insecurity. The People’s National Party condemns this act of aggression, which is reminiscent of what should have been a bygone age and threatens to undermine the multilateral system for maintaining world peace. We extend our sympathies and prayers for all those who are exposed to grave danger in this conflict.
For Jamaica, a number of issues arise. Most importantly, the Jamaican students in Ukraine are in grave danger. The Government’s inept and callous handling of the dangerous situation facing them has shocked the conscience of our Nation. On February 11 the Opposition called on the Government to immediately evacuate Jamaican Nationals, given the escalation in tension and the threat of an invasion by Russia.
On February 21, we called on the Government to “Do the right thing as people’s lives are hanging in the balance”. But rather than ensuring the safe and swift exit of our students, the Government chose to offer them loans for the cost of their safe passage out of Ukraine, which many of the students were unable to accept. Ukrainian airspace has now been closed to commercial flights, the students are stranded there and their lives are at risk.
Secondly, the imposition of sanctions by the US and its Western allies has potential adverse implications for Jamaica’s struggling bauxite and alumina industry, as one of the two remaining alumina refineries in operation is Russian owned.
Thirdly, our people have been reeling from the hike in prices in energy and basic food prices, which has been aggravated by the Ukraine situation. This suffering has the potential to get worse now that Russia has invaded that country, and requires a response to protect vulnerable Jamaicans who cannot make ends meet.
I am calling on the Prime Minister to address the Nation on this crisis.
The PNP hopes that diplomatic engagement will continue to be pursued, and that any further escalation of war will be prevented. We call for the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of all Russian forces from the sovereign territory of Ukraine.
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