JAMAICA | PNPYO Condemns the Government’s Approach to the Land Debacle in Clifton, ST. Catherine

KINGSTON, October 10, 2022: The People’s National Party Youth Organization (PNPYO) is expressing its disappointment with the handling of the ongoing land debacle happening on the outskirts of Clifton in St. Catherine. The situation in Clifton brings into sharp focus the challenges surrounding adequate, sustainable, and affordable home ownership in Jamaica.
The PNPYO commends the Leader of the Opposition, Mark Golding, MP, for the announced commitment that the PNP would be providing support to the displaced residents of Clifton. The PNPYO is heartened by the approach taken by the Leader of the Opposition, which starkly contrasts the brash, uncaring and heavy-handed stance of the Prime Minister. The PNPYO is further rubbishing the baseless assertions made by the youth arm of the Jamaica Labour Party, G2K, with respect to Leader Golding’s statement and insists that there is nothing “vulgar” about advocating for the disenfranchised.
“While we believe in adherence to the rule of law, it is obvious that all avenues for dialogue were not exhausted before the demolition and it is undeniable that the Government’s response in this matter was callous and dictatorial,” said Senator Gabriela Morris, PNPYO President. “The posture of the young professional arm indicates clearly that they have been tainted by blind allegiance to their party, and fail to realize the traumatic and devasting experience of their fellow citizens, arising from the lack of due process and gross disregard of their fellow Jamaicans”, she continued.

“Under Article 11 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), which Jamaica is a party to, the right to shelter and safe housing is a basic right that each human being should be afforded. It’s a sad and dark day when that right is taken from any citizen, especially by the very government that is entrusted to protect them,” Senator Morris said.
Additionally, the organization believes that more attention must be placed on affordable housing for youth. Senator Morris remarked, “Homeownership is a distant dream for many young people because the government has not only failed to fulfil its election promise of allocating 10,000 homes for youth between the ages of 18-35 but has not communicated proper housing solutions for Jamaicans in general.”
On Thursday, October 6, the demolition of houses in the Clifton area commenced. The Prime Minister, in his October 4 presentation to the Parliament, cited the presence of criminal gangs as the reason for the demolition. The PNPYO said it is disheartened by what happened to the people in Clifton who were victimized twice by fraudsters and the Government, all because they wanted to fulfil a dream which should be a reality for all citizens.
Noting the recent promise of the Prime Minister to make arrangements for those impacted by the demolition, the PNPYO will be keeping a close eye to ensure that this is actioned.