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China's Silk Road to Montego Bay, “Turn Them Back” ! says O Dave Allen

MONTEGO BAY, Jamaica, January 25, 2022 - We the Jamaican people are at risk of becoming slaves again. We are a country with   95% black people. It’s a fact that the majority of the black population is at the bottom of the economic pyramid while the 5% at the apex are the minorities who control the economy. We all know that the economy is the superstructure that determines everything else, we also know that those who control the economy rules the country. It is time for majority rule.

China's Silk Road to Montego Bay, “Turn Them Back” !  says O Dave Allen
BARBADOS | Return of the Old Guard to the DLP

BARBADOS | Return of the Old Guard to the DLP

BRIDGETOWN, Barbados, Jan 5, 2022- Barbados Underground - An interesting conversation point that will attract interest is the impact David Estwick, Michael Lashley, Denis Lowe and Richard Sealy will have...
JAMAICA | Remembering Daddy Sharpe this Boxing Day

JAMAICA | Remembering Daddy Sharpe this Boxing Day

KINGSTON, Jamaica, December 2021 - On April 19, 1832, the following sentence, signed by John Coates, Robert Thomas Downer and H. A. Plummer, was handed down against a man who...
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