GUYANA | Forde warned: Stay out of Essequibo Coast Or Else !!

GEORGETOWN, GUYANA, JUNE 23, 2024 - The campaign for the leadership of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) has seem to ‘gone off the rails’ devolving into threats and counter charges on social media.
The latest being that challenger, attorney-at-law Roysdale Forde should not attempt to visit the Essequibo coast.
Village Voice News is reporting that Region Two People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) Chairman, Prince Holder, has fired two warnings to Team Forde Campaign about visiting the Essequibo Coast.
Party Leader Aubrey Norton is being challenged for the position by Attorneys Roysdale Forde and Amanza Walton-Desir.
Taking to his Facebook, Holder said they will protest against Forde’s campaign should it visit. Village Voice News confirmed the campaign is scheduled to visit Essequibo Coast before the Party’s 22nd Biennial Delegates Congress, scheduled for June 28-30, 2024.
According to one of Holder’s posts if persons from the Forde campaign visit “they will face massive protest” which he said will be similar to the one organised in front of Congress Place.
He blames the Forde campaign for that protest. However, Deputy Campaign Manager, Annette Ferguson, told this publication Forde’s campaign had nothing to do with the protest at Congress Place and is committed to an “issue, fact-based and progressive-based campaign, free of hostility and rancour.”
Holder, who is the father of PNCR Chairman, Shurwayne Holder, has advised that Alex Boom and Anointed Child will be there to protest Team Forde.
Boom and Child are Team Norton/Holder campaign aggressive social media surrogates who have swarmed Facebook verbally abusing the Amanza Walton-Desir and Forde campaigns, and any person or agency they perceive is in support of their candidate.
Walton-Desir earlier issued a statement condemning the behavior. She has called for the embracing a campaign grounded in mutual respect and rejecting of hostility. Others have also called on Party Leader Aubrey Norton to distance his campaign from the unsavoury attacks and to rein in his supporters. Instead, the attack is now elevated to the Party’s leadership.
Digging down in another post, Holder referred to Member of Parliament Annette Ferguson as “man face” and Member of Parliament Natasha Singh-Lewis as a “want to be muslim.” Both Ferguson and Singh-Lewis are supporting Forde.
Asked to comment on Holder’s posts, Ferguson told this publication the campaign will not be intimidated or bullied and has all intention of visiting Essequibo Coast to meet with party comrades and engage the delegates.
Prior to Holder’s warning in circulation were two attack flyers on Forde and Walton-Desir that showed stark similarities to the flyers being produced by the Norton campaign. These flyers, seen below, are on Norton’s parliamentarian Facebook page, accompanied by his condemnations.
Holder’s attacks come when the candidates are in the homestretch of campaigning, seeking to influence and win over delegates.