GUYANA | Simona Broomes calls on Aubrey Norton to step down pending investigations into allegations of sexual impropriety

MONTEGO BAY, Jamaica, June 23, 2024 - As the allegations of sexual impropriety against the leader of Guyana’s People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) Mr. Aubrey Norton, by a party member, continues to reverberate, former minister of government in the APNU+AFC administration Simona Broomes, has called for Aubrey Norton to step down to facilitate an investigation.
In a statement, Ms Broomes, a former Minister within the Ministry of Social Protection and a fighter against discrimination and abuse of women and human trafficking of young girls, said that "to protect the image of the Party and distinguish it from the PPP in terms of management, the Cde. Leader should step down with immediate effect for the investigation to proceed."
The following is a letter written by Ms Broomes to the General Secretary of the PNCR, Mrs. Dawn Hastings Williams, MP.
Dear Madame GS, et. al.,
Re: Allegations of sexual impropriety
This correspondence seeks to bring to the attention of all concerned the allegations made against the Cde Leader of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) and its potential impact on the Party.
The importance of this is underscored in a context of the sensitivities and awareness of the ‘Me2 Movement’. The consciousness of human rights and dignities protects the vulnerable from those who seek to or violate the innocence, sexual integrity and safety of others.
Our nation has recently been rocked by allegations of the gruesome and brutal tale of sex crimes against a male government Minister. Please recall that the PNCR, especially female members, championed the call for justice for the female, and for the Minister to be held accountable.
Today we are facing less gruesome but nevertheless, allegations of sexual impropriety involving the threat of a gun used to coerce a sexual act. Comrades we cannot pretend that we do not hear or that what has been said is untrue without the minimum of a denial of said allegation made against the Cde Leader by the named victim, or the truth being discerned from an internal investigation.
It would serve the Cde Leader well should he address this matter publicly as well as internally as per organisation custom, practice and precedent.
The latter would have seen none other than a former Deputy Prime Minister having to step down to facilitate an investigation. To protect the image of the Party and distinguish it from the PPP in terms of management of said crisis, the Cde. Leader should step down with immediate effect for the investigation to proceed.
The alleged victim, our women, girls, and society deserve the respect of a dignified withdrawal so that social justice can be exacted where it is found deserving.
I urge our NCW to reach out to the alleged victim and to provide counselling where necessary, even as we work this through as a Party that understands the importance of the accused being innocent until proven guilty; the dignity and right of the alleged victim to protection; safeguarding the image of our party as a responsible alternative to the PPP, with accountability and unity on the issue of social justice.
I therefore call on every single member of Parliament, of the CEC and Party members, to rally for truth, justice and accountability to be our guiding principle to protect the Party that we love from the taint of sexual predation and an unsafe environment for young women.
We are not the PPP !
Simona Broomes
Former Member of Parliament
Let me quote social and political activist Norman Brown who wrote in a letter to the Kaieteur News in October 2023 that "Simona Broomes is the personification of Martin Carter’s lines, “I sleep not to dream, I dream to change the world.” She has always dreamt to change the circumstances of vulnerable people. Without a doubt, her legacy will continue to grow.
Here is a woman of distinction, honoured internationally for her courage to fight for justice, admired for being merciful and loved for remaining accessible and humble. Hence, it is without rancour or self service that we urge the PNCR leader to consider the words of Ms Broomes in the best interest of the country and the party.