DIASPORA | Jamaican nurses hailed as mainstay of health systems abroad
DIASPORA | Jamaican nurses hailed as mainstay of health systems abroad

MONTEGO BAY July 9, 2022 - Renown economist Professor Donald Harris says the achievement of Jamaican born nurse Dr. Sandra Lindsay, in being awarded the United States Presidential Medal of Freedom, has  highlighted the long standing tradition of Jamaican women who migrate to the UK, Canada and US, to work as health care providers, often becoming a mainstay of the health care system in those countries, and acquiring a reputation for the highest quality of service delivery.

In proposing a toast to Dr. Lindsay at a dinner in her honour on Thursday shortly after being awarded, Professor Harris who is the father of US Vice President Kamala Harris,  said Jamaican nurses have traditionally migrated  abroad, primarily  “for the purpose of earning a living to take care of their children and family back home. For that, we all as Jamaicans are especially proud,” Professor Harris declared.

He also pointed to the fact that in much the same vein as Dr. Lindsay, Jamaican nurses have not only advanced their professional achievements in becoming leaders in their field, but also their academic pursuits.

In his toast to Dr. Lindsay, Professor Harris, pointed out that “there is so much about your personal accomplishments that stands out as iconic and makes it clear that this award is warranted and well deserved.”

“This includes: Your professionalism as a healthcare provider; Your devotion to duty on the front lines of the struggle to provide healthcare to the needy; Your active role as a fierce advocate for public health of underserved communities; and Your courage and willingness to be the first person to publicly submit your body to the jab for the vaccine, at a time when many people, especially those in the minority community and among your fellow health care professionals, were reluctant or resistant to do so.

Professor Harris pointed not only to her professional achievements, but also to her academic pursuits culminating in  March 2021, when she completed a Doctor of Health Sciences degree with a concentration in global health, leadership and organizational behavior from A. T. Still University.” 

In congratulating Dr. Lindsay, Jamaica’s Ambassador to the United States Audrey Marks who hosted the dinner, pointed out that Dr. Lindsay was one of “only seventeen awardees of the Presidential Medal Freedom for 2022, the US’ highest civilian honour accorded to individuals who have made exemplary contributions in various spheres of life.”

Speaking on behalf of the government and people of Jamaica Ambassador Marks said  “I would like to specially commend you, Dr. Lindsay, for being the first of more than 300 million persons in the United States to take the vaccine outside of a clinical trial, amidst heightened uncertainty, becoming the face of the COVID-19 vaccine and inspiring others to take the courageous step.”

“It may be argued that your bold step marked an important turning point in the fight against the virus; for the first time, many, including myself, felt a sense of hope, and quite frankly, relief, that the end of the pandemic was finally within reach,” she said.

“I am thrilled that you are now among a prestigious group of persons who have been bestowed the Presidential Medal of Freedom, including Neil Armstrong, Jesse Owens, Martin Luther King Jr, the Reverend Billy Graham, Jackie Robinson, Frank Sinatra, Mother Teresa, Lucille Ball, Audrey Hepburn, Nelson Mandela, General Colin Powell, just to name a few,” Ambassador Marks declared.

Deputy Assistant Secretary for Caribbean affairs and Haiti at the Department of State, Barbara Feinstein in her tribute, hailed Dr Sandra Lindsay, as a nurse giving hope to the world at a time when it was most needed.

In her response, Dr. Lindsay said she was overjoyed at the honour bestowed on her.  “I am so proud as a Jamaican to receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom to say that I am Jamaican. I was born and raised in Clarendon Jamaica. When I came to the US in 1986 I did not just come with my suitcase, I did not have any money but what I came with were my Jamaican values: hard work, humility,  gratitude, respect and  determination. I have always carried them with me all my life . Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be here today wearing the presidential Medal of freedom,” Dr. Lindsay declared.

She said when she received the call that the President of the United States would like to talk with me, I thought it was a prank call,” she said. “ Why would the President of the United States want to talk to a little girl from Jamaica? Wha him ha’ fi tell mi seh? She questioned. 

“I did not retrieve the call from my voicemail until two days later! I am happy that the President saved my space in the line and did not give it away!  Today I am proud to be standing here and to wear this award with pride!” Dr. Lindsay said.

Among those attending the reception were Dr. Lindsay’s mother Ms Hazel Morgan, her siblings and other members of her family, as well as her co-workers and friends.


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