GUYANA | Forde Again Urges National Dialogue on Maduro’s Annexing of Essequibo
GUYANA | Forde Again Urges National Dialogue on Maduro’s Annexing of Essequibo

GEORGETOWN, Guyana, April 4, 2024 - Shadow Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Senior Counsel Roysdale Forde, has reiterated his call for an ongoing national conversation in relation to the crisis between Guyana and Venezuela.

Two weeks ago, Forde had called on President Irfaan Ali to convenene urgent dialogue with the opposition and other key stakeholders, to forge a unified front in addressing Venezuela’s existential threat to Guyana’s  sovereignty.

This however never materialised, and since then Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro has  enacted a law annexing the Essequibo region, which makes up two thirds of  the Guyanese nation.

Speaking in an interview,  Forde pointed out that “Venezuela's unilateral declaration of the Essequibo region as its own, starkly violates the spirit and letter of the December 14  Argyle Agreement in St. Vincent and the Grenadines between Presidents Ali and Maduro, and undermines the principles of peace and diplomacy that both nations have pledged to uphold.”

"This agreement, a testament to our mutual commitment to peace, clearly stipulates that both Guyana and Venezuela shall refrain from any actions or rhetoric that could escalate conflicts arising from territorial controversies," Forde observed.

Forde pointed out that “this egregious act by Venezuela is not only a breach of international law but also a departure from decades of established precedent.”

In its initial Application to the International Court of Justice (ICJ), Guyana detailed how Venezuela, for more than half a century, had acknowledged and respected the 1899 Award's validity and the subsequent 1905 Map, which were both integral to delineating the territorial boundaries. 

“It is both notable and regrettable that Venezuela reversed its stance in 1962, coinciding with the United Kingdom's preparations to grant Guyana independence.”

Forde reiterated that this year marks the 57th anniversary of the 1966 Geneva Agreement, a reminder of Guyana's enduring quest for a peaceful and just resolution to the border controversy.

“The recent actions by Venezuela not only disregard these historical agreements but also pose a significant threat to the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity—fundamental tenets that ensure the stability and security of nations worldwide.”

Such unilateral measures threaten to destabilise the Caribbean and Latin American region, creating a climate of uncertainty and potential conflict that extends far beyond our borders, the senior counsel contended.

“The unwavering support from the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and the Organisation of American States (OAS) underscores the international community's solidarity with Guyana.

“It highlights the collective understanding of the importance of resolving this dispute through dialogue, adherence to international law, and the mechanisms provided by the ICJ.”

Forde urged in response to these challenging times, President Ali must exercise decisive leadership by convening national dialogues at all levels of the society to include schools, churches, the labour unions, the private sector,  political parties and other key stakeholders. This would be in keeping with Article 13 of the Guyana’s constitution that mandates inclusionary democracy, he iterated.

The senior counsel advised our goal must be to forge a unified front in addressing this existential threat to our nation's sovereignty, he said. “The sovereignty of Guyana transcends political divides; it is a shared treasure that we must all safeguard with unwavering commitment and inclusivity.”

As we reflect on the significance of the Geneva Agreement's anniversary, let us renew our commitment to seeking a peaceful and lawful resolution to this dispute.

Our nation's future, and indeed the stability of our region, depend on adherence to the Rule  of Law and our ability to stand together in defense of our sovereign rights.

Guyana's pursuit of a final and binding judgment from the ICJ to affirm the 1899 Arbitral Award is not only about territorial integrity but also about securing our nation's future economic and geostrategic interests.

“Let us stand together, across party lines and as a united Guyanese people, to ensure the security of our nation's future and affirm our commitment to peace, justice, and the rule of law. In unity, there is strength, and in strength, there is victory,” Forde declared.


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