GUYANA | Opposition MP Blocked from Leaving Guyana to meet with US Congressional Delegation in Washington DC
GUYANA | Opposition MP Blocked from Leaving Guyana to meet with US Congressional Delegation in Washington DC

MONTEGO BAY, September 27, 2023 - In what is seen as an attempt to sabotage todays meeting betweenGuyana's Opposition and the United States Congressional Black Caucus, Opposition parliamentarian David Patterson was prevented from leaving Guyana yesterday as he was about to board the plane for the United States (US) where he and other opposition parliamentarians were were scheduled meet with American congressmen and other officials on the political and economic conditions in Guyana.

Patterson told Demerara Waves That  he had already cleared customs and immigration and was in the departure lounge when an immigration officer approached and informed him that he could not leave Guyana. 

He said he was approached by an apologetic immigration officer who "informed me that that immigration made a mistake in allowing me to proceed, said there was a no-fly order on me in their system, and asked that I accompany them to speak to the officer on duty,” he told Demerara Waves Online News. Mr Patterson said the immigration officer said the instructions came from “town”. 

 Patterson who is shadow Minister of Public Infrastructure was to have presented on the country's oil and gas sector and the government’s management of those resources.

Village Voice News says" The PPP/C governmentadministration has been under the critical spotlight of Patterson’s knowledge of infrastructure and oil and gas sector. He has emerged as a very prominent voice in society, who leaves no stone unturned in holding the government accountable, ensuring Guyanese get value for their money, equitably participate in the resources of the country, and these resources are exploited in a sustainable manner.

Attorney-at-Law Nigel Hughes acting on behalf of Patterson said he spoke with immigration officers who told him that there was no court order blocking Patterson's departure, but someone had placed “a comment in the system.”

Mr Patterson, said his  lawyer reminded the immigration officers that there were several court rulings that prohibit persons from being denied the right to travel without an expressed court order. 

The immigration officers said they were aware of those court rulings but “They were powerless unless they received instructions from a senior rank which they tried without success. 

Shadow minister of Justice and Attorney General Senior Counsel  Roysdale Forde, who is a member of the delegation to Washington, when contacted, said the Government in another utterly unconstitutional act has breached the freedom of movement of the Member of Parliament.

He said it seemed to have been designed to disrupt the opposition's participation at meetings in Washington DC.

Patterson was on July 28, 2023 placed on a total of GY$750,000 bail on charges related to indecent exposure. The court allowed him to travel for professional or other reasons. Mr Patterson said his effort to leave Guyana was the first time since his arraignment.

Mr Patterson was expected to join Opposition Leader Aubrey Norton, PNCR General Secretary Ms. Dawn Hastings; Shadow Local Government Minister and PNCR Executive Committee Member, Ganesh Mahipaul; Shadow Attorney General and PNCR Executive Committee Member, Roysdale Forde; Shadow Minister of Foreign Affairs and PNCR Executive Committee Member, Amanza Walton-Desir; PNCR member Nima Flue Bess; AFC Chairman, Catherine Hughes; AFC member Deonarine Ramsaroop, and Leader of the Guyana Action Party, Vincent Henry.

They are due to meet with the Congressional Black Caucus, including Democratic Minority Leader, Congressman Hakeem Jeffries on Wednesday. “The meeting with Mr Jeffries and his team is expected to focus on the opportunities and challenges confronting Guyana and on how political stakeholders in the country can work together to ensure that all Guyanese citizens, regardless of race or ethnicity, benefit from the country’s oil wealth,” APNU+AFC said.

President Irfaan Ali and a team earlier this month travelled to the US where they briefed the Congressional Black Caucus, including Mr Jeffries and other American decision makers, about the governance of Guyana and other issues.


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