GUYANA | Washington Conference calls for US Sanctions on VP Bharrat Jagdeo, PPP Death squad Investigations
GUYANA | Washington Conference calls for US Sanctions on VP Bharrat Jagdeo, PPP Death squad Investigations

WASHINGTON DC, September 30, 2023 - The inaugural Washington Conference on Guyana  has called for an international investigation into the 1400 young men most of whom were African Guyanese who were allegedly killed by the PPP death squads. 

Head of the Caribbean Guyana Institute for Democracy (CGID),Rickford Burke. In addition, the conference has called on the government of the United States to sanction Bharrat Jagdeo and some in the leadership of the Guyana Police Force for crimes against humanity, corruption and transnational repression crimes.

The conference which was convened by the Caribbean Guyana Institute for Democracy (CGID) and the Combined Guyanese Diaspora Organizations in Washington DC is being hailed by the convenors as a resounding success.

A statement from the organizers this afternoon expressed thanks to the Members of Congress who took time from their busy schedules and Congressional responsibilities, amidst an impending government shutdown, to meet with the Parliamentary Opposition team from Guyana and the conference delegates.

Statement by Caribbean Guyana Institute for Democracy (CGID) and the Combined Guyanese Diaspora Organizations in Washington DC

The Conference was convened under the theme “Promoting Inclusive Governance And Economic Growth, Equal Justice, Social Equality & Sustainable Development For All Guyanese In The Era Of Oil And Gas.”

It highlighted concerns by the diaspora that US policy on Guyana has not sufficiently promoted American values such as inclusive governance, inclusive growth; equal justice; social equality and sustainable development for all Guyanese.

The conference was told that Oil and gas revenues, which as of June this year totalled US$7.4-billion  were not used equitably for the benefit and upliftment of all Guyanese.

It was noted that Billions of dollars in Government contracts have been awarded to ethnic supporters of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) PPP Government. 

This has essentially shut out the African Guyanese population from government contracts, and ensured the transfer of State wealth to one ethnic group. Endemic Corruption by key Government officials is apparently ignored.

The delegates also raised with Members of Congress the situation where the PPP regime is systematically attempting to take away lands and property from African Guyanese.

The communique from the conference said delegates discussed the fact that racial discrimination and racism appear to drive PPP government policies and practices and  “highlighted political discrimination against Indigenous brothers and sisters as well as Indo Guyanese who do not support the government.”

According to the Caribbean Guyana Institute for Democracy (CGID), “the Government is aggressively developing into an autocracy and poses a serious threat to the democratic rights of the citizen.

The Washington Conference raised issues regarding the Guyana Police Force being used to target and persecute African Guyanese and other political opponents of the PPP regime, and the Police targeting Guyanese living in the US who criticize the government.

They also made note of the Guyana Police's commission of transnational repression crimes, joining countries like Russia and China,” which attracted an extended discussion.

Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries and the First Vice Chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), Congresswoman Yvette Clarke, addressed delegates on Capitol Hill, “thereafter we outlined the overtly despotic tendencies of the racist PPP regime and its emergence into autocratic ethnocracy, and its incitement of racial hostilities which if remain unchecked by the international community will lead to civil unrest.”

Delegates pointed to the state’s prevention of Member of Parliament David Patterson from leaving Guyana to attending the Meeting on Capitol Hill, as evidence of an emerging apartheid dictatorship.

for the US government to sanction Bharrat Jagdeo and some in the leadership of the Guyana Police Force for crimes against humanity, corruption and transnational repression crimes.

We requested that the Congressional Black Caucus send a fact finding mission to Guyana, and commissions a human rights and democracy assessment of Guyana.

In closed door discussions with US government officials, delegates asked that the US government support, as well as ask CARICOM, the OAS and the United Nations to launch an international investigation into the 1400 young men most of whom were African Guyanese who were allegedly killed by the PPP death squads.

It is further alleged that these death squads were organized and financed by Bharrat Jagdeo and his government.  The need to empower Indigenous Guyanese by providing guidance into business opportunities was also discussed.

The delegates also raised with Members of Congress the situation where the PPP regime is systematically attempting to take away lands and property from African Guyanese.

We cited the case where an African Guyanese American businessman had legitimately acquired lands under the Granger Administration in 2018 to build a Hilton Hotel.

When the PPP came to power they  unlawfully seized the land and distributed it to East Indian supporters.

Under enormous pressure the PPP government awarded this businessman another plot of land at another location. After the  businessman spent over $1 million, to develop infrastructure, only to have it unlawfully taken away, although he has the financing and has a pending application for the loan to be guaranteed by US Exim Bank.

delegates asked that the US government support, as well as ask CARICOM, the OAS and the United Nations to launch an international investigation into the 1400 young men most of whom were African Guyanese who were allegedly killed by the PPP death squads.

Finally, the conference concluded with a resolution, passed unanimously by delegates for the US government to sanction Bharrat Jagdeo and some in the leadership of the Guyana Police Force for crimes against humanity, corruption and transnational repression crimes.

The Members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) who met with the delegations include Democratic Leader in Congress, Congressman Hakeem Jeffries, Chairman of the CBC Congressman Steven Horsford, First Vice Chairman of the CBC Congresswoman Yvette Clarke, Congresswoman Maxine Waters, Congresswoman Stacy Plaskett and Congressman Gregory Meeks. 

The conference was attended by  over  120 delegates and presenters from 11 states and 6 countries including Opposition Leader of Guyana,  Aubrey Norton, and eleven Members of Parliament who provided much needed facts about the political situation on the ground in Guyana.

Resource personnel who participated in the conference included lobbyist and Democratic Political Strategist  Mr. Ian Campbell; Director of the Institute for Law and Economics PJ Patterson Institute for Africa-Caribbean Advocacy Prof Rosalea Hamilton; and International Trade Expert, Consultant on Investments in Oil and Gas and Renewable Energy,

Richard Millington, Esq
Director of Communications
Caribbean Guyana Institute for Democracy (CGID)
September 30, 2023

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