JAMAICA | Dr. Garfield Chapman's Leap from Medicine to Politics: A Story of Integrity and Legacy
JAMAICA | Dr. Garfield Chapman's Leap from Medicine to Politics: A Story of Integrity and Legacy

LUCEA,  Hanover September 12, 2023 -  In the tranquil town of Lucea, Hanover,  the name Dr. Garfield Chapman wasn't just familiar; it was a synonym for trust, compassion, and dedication. Known to many as the family physician who had mended countless ailments and provided a comforting presence in their darkest hours, 'Chappy', as he was endearingly termed, was a figure deeply rooted in the community's heart. However, a decision he was about to make would take many by surprise.

Dr. Chappy examines a young patron of one of the several health fairs prior held to assist parents prior to to the start of the new school year.As the sun painted its golden hues across the horizon one evening, Dr. Chapman sat on his porch, reminiscing about his three decades of service. He thought about his ancestors, each of whom had left an indelible mark on Jamaican society.

From them, he had inherited more than just a name; he had inherited a legacy of dedicated service, values, and an unwavering commitment to the greater good.

One of the several health fairs in Western Hanover sponsored by Dr. Garfield Chapman.The words of Plato echoed in his mind, reminding him of the duty of capable individuals to step into the political arena, lest the realm be left to those less qualified.

With the continued  reality of Tamika Davis representing the JLP in the Hanover Western Constituency, a stirring grew within him. While he respected Davis and her commitment, Chappy believed that the People’s National Party needed a candidate who personified integrity, a history of service, and unblemished character. And who better than someone who had devoted his life to the welfare of the people?

The news that Dr. Chapman intended to venture into representational politics caused quite a stir. Some wondered why a successful physician would venture into the unpredictable world of politics.

But for Chappy, it wasn't about power or prestige. It was about serving at a higher capacity and ensuring that the legacy of devotion to Jamaica that his family held dear was continued.

His friends and colleagues were well aware of his dedication. The Late Ben Clare and The Reverend Roy “Wrong Sound” Robinson, legendary PNP representatives for Western Hanover, had left lasting impressions on him. Dr. Chapman aspired to carry forward their commitment, hoping to instill the same sense of dedication and integrity in future generations.

The skeptics doubted, pointing out that politics was a different ball game and that Dr. Chapman wasn't cut out for it. But as he always responded,

"My entire life has revolved around service and people. From the privileged to the less fortunate, I have been there for them. Politics, in its essence, isn't different."

His children have grown up listening to stories of their ancestors and their unparalleled service, believed in him, not just as a medical practitioner, but as a beacon of hope and change for West Hanover.

The road ahead wasn't going to be easy. But with his dedication, the lessons from his past, and the unwavering support of his community, Dr. Garfield Chapman was ready to write the next chapter in his family's legacy - a legacy of unwavering service to the people of Jamaica.

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