JAMAICA | “Anywhere that is a garbage dump, comrades live there…”says Juliet Holness, PNP reacts!

KINGSTON, Jamaica:October 24, 2022 - Following denigrating statements by Member of Parliament and the wife of the Prime Minister Mrs. Juliet Holness, her comments have attracted condemnation from varions sectors of Jamaica including civil society. Mrs Holness' comments have also attracted a response from the Opposition Peoples National Party which has characterised her statement as "totally repugnant and offensive."
The following is the full text of the PNP's statement on the matter:
PNP Condemns Denigrating Comments Made by Juliet Holness About
Jamaican Citizens Living in Marginalised Communities
The People’s National Party repudiates the totally repugnant and offensive comments made by Mrs. Juliet Holness, MP which purported the distorted rhetoric that only supporters of the PNP live in deplorable conditions. Her statement not only offends PNP supporters but the sensibilities of all Jamaicans, many of whom settled in flood-prone areas out of desperation.
The Party is particularly disturbed that Mrs Holness, given her high office and her proximity to the Prime Minister, would display such hateful and acrimonious statements about Jamaicans over whom her husband presides.
In an attempt to rally support from the Jamaica Labour Party members, Mrs. Holness, in a most crass display of leadership, was seen speaking on a platform where she uttered among other disparaging remarks that, “Anywhere that is a garbage dump, comrades live there…”. Mrs Holness is well aware that among the informal and spontaneous settlements in Jamaica, dozens are located in flood plains and on gully reservations because of need. The residents are not confined to any single party and it serves no useful purpose to label them.
Given the current housing crisis that the country is grappling with, the comments made by Mrs. Holness could not have been more disrespectful, insensitive and reprehensible. Mrs. Holness’ comments were a direct attack on citizens, some of our most vulnerable, who have been forced to live in undesirable conditions due to the lack of proper housing solutions.
Though statements of this nature are characteristic of the JLP administration, the People’s National Party is disgusted by her blatant politicisation of an issue which continues to affect thousands of Jamaicans.
“Housing is a basic human need. The lack of proper housing solutions is not a political issue; it is a Jamaican issue. Jamaicans have had to resort to living in some of the places mentioned by Mrs. Holness simply because they have no other choice, not because they want to live in the path of harm’s way nor because they were put there by the PNP”, said Dr Dayton Campbell, PNP General Secretary.
The JLP has been at the helm of government for 11 of the last 15 years, and over that time we have witnessed the National Housing Trust (NHT) being mismanaged by successive JLP administrations and drained of funds that could have been used to fulfil its initial mandate. Against this backdrop, we call on the Member of Parliament to withdraw her comments and issue an apology to the citizens of Jamaica.
The issue of housing has always been a priority for the PNP; It is evident in our policies on land regularisation and national housing projects. Many of those policies have been reversed by the Andrew Holness-led administration and have now resulted in further exacerbation of the issue.
We subscribe to the view that all Jamaicans deserve to live in pride and dignity regardless of their socio-economic background and their political affiliation. At the very least, those who are unable to do so, must not be belittled and degraded by the well-off, such as Mrs. Holness.