JAMAICA | Stop Demonizing and Labelling Public Sector Workers Sen. Floyd Morris tells JLP

KINGSTON, Jamaica May 16, 2022 - : Opposition Spokesman on Labour and Social Security, Senator Dr. Floyd Morris, has called on the Government to get its supporters to stop the labeling and demonization of public sector workers.
In a statement today, Dr. Morris said he had “noted a plethora of comments and attacks on public sector workers in social media, accusing them of acting under political directives in the latest strike actions across the country.”
These comments and attacks, he said, were “untruthful, misleading and demonizing of public sector workers who continue to sacrifice for the development of the country.”
Instead of having its supporters attacking and demonizing public sector workers, Morris is advising the Government to restore some order to the labour relations environment, by being more honest, transparent and forthright with the workers.
Senator Morris pointed out that: “This is what is needed to bring back trust to the collective bargaining process and ultimately, stability in the labour market.”
“I have all the trust and confidence in the trade unions who are leading the collective bargaining process for the workers. These are professionals who have acted responsibly in the past and continue to do so in the present.”
“These are men and women who assisted in the Stand-by Agreement and the Extended Fund Facility (EFF) with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in 2009 and 2013. They acted in the best interest of the country then and continue to do so today,” he noted.
Senator Morris pointed out that “Our public sector workers have been making sacrifices for the country and their union representatives must know when to tell them to act. When they are treated unfairly, unjustly, and being bullied by partisan supporters, this does not help the process and the Government must tell its supporters to desist from such backward and spurious attacks,” he declared.